Hood GuyzRestaurant kitchen exhaust hood systems send about a quart of grease to the collector every month, and without proper cleaning, that grease can build for years and increase the risk of a grease fire. Improper-ly cleaned hood exhaust systems in restaurants contribute to the estimated 7,000 grease fires reported annually.
Hood Guyz performs courtesy in-spections for commercial kitchens. The company inspects an entire sys-tem from top to bottom, taking pictures of every inch of the system to ensure it has been maintained correctly. It gen-erates a report to deliver its findings to the restaurant owner or manager and determines whether the current ven-dor is cleaning the whole system.
” Hood Guyz operates on a strict code of ethics and sets the standard when it comes to the maintenance of hood exhaust systems.”
Food&Drink Magazine
Hood Guyz recommends hood ex-haust systems be cleaned on a monthly and quarterly basis to avoid buildup, but there are a number of different factors to consider when determining how often a particular system needs to be cleaned. Each hood exhaust system is different and a variety of cooking oils can impact the frequency. The company takes a consultative approach to each potential customer. “We start by finding out if everything is fine with their hood system,” James explains. “If we unearth that the cur-rent vendor is only cleaning what can On Their HonorHood Guyz operates on a strict code of ethics and sets the standard when it comes to the maintenance of hood exhaust systems.
Hood Guyzbe seen, we bring it to their attention. Typically, they won’t call their vendor to come back because they discover it has been months or years of intention-al neglect. The salt in the wound is that they are putting the establishment at risk of fire. They will take us on and our whole system is based on gaining and keeping their trust.”